8 Reasons Why I Can’t Quit Spotify Despite the Backlash

Spotify is like a bad habit I can't let go of.
Spotify is like a bad habit I can’t let go of.

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Spotify drives me nuts. But I keep coming back.

I’ve had a love-hate relationship with Spotify for years now.

Some days, the app feels like it can read my mind with its spot-on music recommendations. Other times, its confusing changes, price hikes, and controversies leave me wanting to pull my hair out.

But despite the occasional frustration, I find myself continuing to hit that green play button day after day, year after year.

Why can’t I quit Spotify? Let me count the ways:

1. The User Interface Can’t Be Beat

The Spotify Desktop app interface and sidebar.
The Spotify Desktop app interface and sidebar.

Maybe I’m shallow, but the sleek look of Spotify’s interface keeps me coming back. The way the album artwork pops and the way the playlists are laid out are clean, vibrant, and catch the eye.

Moving around the app also feels intuitive and seamless, unlike some other music platforms I’ve tried.

What can I say? I’m a sucker for good design.

2. It’s Scary Good at Guessing My Musical Taste

Spotify's Fresh finds and Made For You playlists sometimes feel like they know me.
Spotify’s Fresh finds and Made For You playlists sometimes feel like they know me.

My favorite artists are like best friends – they’ve seen me through my highest highs and lowest lows.

So when Spotify has the audacity to suggest NEW artists I might like, I’m always a bit skeptical. But time and again, Spotify’s algorithm has introduced me to songs and artists that have absolutely blown me away.

That custom Discover Weekly playlist? It’s spookily spot-on. Those “Because you listened to…” radio stations? Pure gold.

I’ve discovered some of my all-time favorite artists through Spotify’s suggestions. It’s like having a mind-reading DJ in my pocket – which Spotify actually kinda does have with the AI DJ.

Sure, it has its misses and occasionally just suggests the same things. But I’ve discovered more music on Spotify than I ever have on any other platforms, including social media.

3. It Keeps Me Connected Socially

I get to share what I'm listening to on different social media platforms with just a few taps.
I get to share what I’m listening to on different social media platforms with just a few taps.

As someone who loves bonding over shared music taste, I really appreciate how Spotify makes it easy to link up with friends.

I adore peeking at what my pals are listening to in real-time (even if it’s a bit incriminating at times – sorry buddies, no shame!).

Starting a group session so we can all jam out together remotely? Brilliant.

And don’t even get me started on collaborative playlists. Some of my friend groups have playlists we’ve been adding to for YEARS, like a never-ending musical scrapbook of our friendship.

But it’s not just about connecting with friends within the app. Spotify also makes it a breeze to share my favorite tunes with my wider social circle.

With just a couple of taps, I can share a newly discovered song on my Instagram story, WhatsApp, or even Snapchat.

And the best part? When they click on the song link, it takes them straight to the track in the Spotify app. No fumbling, no searching, just instant musical gratification.

4. I’m in Too Deep With My Playlists

I think I have a playlist ready to play for whatever life throws at me.
I think I have a playlist ready to play for whatever life throws at me.

Is there any bond stronger than the one between a music lover and their playlists? I think not.

Over my years on Spotify, I’ve carefully cultivated hundreds of playlists for every imaginable mood, activity, and phase of my life. From my bittersweet post-breakup playlist to my feel-good morning commute mix, these playlists are like sonic photo albums documenting my life.

The amount of time and love I’ve poured into them is no joke.

The mere thought of starting from scratch on another platform is enough to give me heart palpitations.

Sure, there are software that will help transfer playlists from Spotify to another platform. But, there’s always a risk of having the song altered due to a different metadata or not having the song at all. And that’s a risk I won’t like to take.

5. I Have a Love Affair With Podcasts

Podcast categories on the Spotify desktop app.
Podcast categories on the Spotify desktop app.

I’ll be honest: when Spotify first started pushing podcasts, I was not thrilled.

“Stay in your lane!” I grumbled, “Just give me my music.”

But then, I gave a few podcasts a try. And then a few more. Fast forward to now, and I’m a full-blown podcast convert.

Having all my podcasts and music in one place is so darn convenient.

Plus, Spotify’s podcast-specific features like adjusting playback speed and setting a sleep timer have made me a loyal listener. Well played, Spotify. Well played.

6. I Can Play My Music Anywhere and Everywhere

Spotify Connect is a gift from heaven. (From: Spotify)
Spotify Connect is a gift from heaven. (From: Spotify)

Picture this: you’re listening to your favorite hype-up playlist as you’re getting ready in the morning. You continue streaming in the car on your commute. When you get to work, you pull up the desktop app and keep the music flowing.

After work, you unwind with a podcast as you cook dinner, streaming from your smart speaker.

That’s the beauty of Spotify – it integrates with all my devices so seamlessly, that I barely have to lift a finger. My music is just always there, like a trusty sidekick.

Spotify Daylist makes me laugh and offended at the same time.
Spotify Daylist makes me laugh and offended at the same time.

Spotify has a knack for rolling out features that I never even knew I wanted, but now can’t live without.

Take Spotify Wrapped for example – the yearly roundup of my listening habits that never fails to both delight and horrify me.

Or the new “Daylists” feature that serves up fresh, personalized playlists throughout the day based on my mood and the time of day. Waking up to a peppy morning playlist, unwinding after work with some chill tunes, getting pumped up for a workout with some high-energy bangers – it’s like having a mind-reading DJ catering to my every musical whim.

These fun little extras make the Spotify experience feel fresh and tailored just for me.

Plus, I get to stay on top of the social trends and don’t sound like a has-been since these features always cause some buzz across all generations.

8. It’s the Home Base for My Music Tribe

With my friends on Spotify, I don't want to be left out.
With my friends on Spotify, I don’t want to be left out.

At the end of the day, the main reason I stick with Spotify is simple: it’s where my friends are.

We’ve built a little music community on the platform. Swapping playlists, discovering new artists together, bonding over our terrible taste in music (as evidenced by our Spotify Wrapped) – it’s all part of the shared Spotify experience.

To leave Spotify would feel like turning my back on that community we’ve built. And in a world that can feel isolating at times, feeling connected to others through music is priceless.

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